About Us

FD Ready is fresh, focussed and innovative learning that develops tomorrow’s finance leaders today.

Who is FD READY?

I’m Iain Dewson, and I have a unique take on learning and development for finance. As an experienced Chartered Accountant I followed a career path through various industries and senior finance roles until I landed at TUI to run their global Finance Academy. 

Being responsible for the learning and development of more than 3,500 finance colleagues in over 42 countries was a radical change in direction and a real eye opener. 

The view from outside finance looking in gave me a unique perspective. Running a global learning platform, as well as designing and delivering bespoke training programmes around the world for finance was a richly rewarding experience.

With extensive experience developing bespoke training for high performing candidates looking to move up in the world of finance FD Ready was the natural next step to give aspiring Finance Directors a leg-up on the competition.

Why I Created FD READY?

I’ve been on loads of management and leadership development courses. The content made sense and was well packaged and delivered.  The problem was that the while everything made sense in the classroom, when I got back to work there was something missing, it wasn’t always clear how I was going to make it work for me and finance.
So I decided to do something about it. I created FD Ready. I wanted to focus on finance and what it really takes not just to become a regular FD, but to become a great FD.
FD Ready delegates gain the skills and confidence that comes from our practical and immersive program. The business gains FDs that are ready, willing and able to make the step up when the time comes.  No more expensive and risky external hires when you know you have the right people right there.

So let’s get your best finance people board-ready with FD Ready!


We provide immersive, experiential training with our 3 part development process – lights, camera, action.  For us, it’s about knowing that you’re 100% ready to take on any new challenge as a brand new Finance Director.

Are you FD Ready?

As a potential successor to the Finance Director, it’s time to ditch dull, traditional training programmes and dive right into an insightful, experiential learning programme to help you actively expand your skill set and get ready to take your seat in the boardroom. 
Develop your character as a leader, business partner, mentor and peer so you support all high level and day to day operations of your company. 
Contact us to enrol in FD Ready today!